The official Apex Legends announcement came as a surprise to gamers, with an official trailer following a lengthy live stream that finally welcomed a free battle royale developed by Respawn Entertainment. And, just like their bet was unexpected, users were met with various heroes of different characteristics and abilities. Heroes that, with the passage of time, are increasing, thus giving a greater variety to the players and offering them the opportunity to enjoy the best experience .
But, currently, what are the characters most used by players? Unfortunately, Respawn Entertainment has not offered an answer to this question, but the information shared by the company is limited to specifying the number of players expelled for cheating or the punishments they will impose over time. Luckily, we know what the popularity ranking is thanks to , where they not only point out the most used characters, but also which is the character least liked by the players .
What is your favorite character within Apex Legends?
Based on the ranking shown, Wraith is the player's most beloved character , closely followed by Octane and Lifeline. What is least surprising to players is Gibraltar, one of the characters not only least used, but most hated in the title. Here is the complete list.
- Wraith - 18.5 %
- Octane - 16.6 %
- Lifeline - 15.1 %
- Pathfinder - 13.4 %
- Bangalore - 13.1 %
- Bloodhound - 7.7 %
- Mirage - 6.3%
- Caustic - 5 %
- Gibraltar - 4.3%
As many point out, the fact that Caustic and Gibraltar, the two heavyweights, are in last place, indicates that both characters need improvements from the company. Although, for the moment, it is reflected that Wraith remains as one of the most beloved characters within the battle royale and most outstanding so far, closely followed by Octane, a newcomer who has risen to a great position in his first weeks.
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