We tell you how the Apex Legends Battle Pass works, what rewards it brings and whether it is worth spending money on or not.
Apex Legends follows in the wake of many other games and offers us a very interesting mechanics. We speak, of course, of the so-called Battle Pass .
In this section of our guide we are going to dedicate a few lines to explain the operation of the Battle Pass , we will resolve any doubts, we will tell you how much it costs , what rewards it offers as well as if it is profitable to acquire it and much more.
Apex Legends follows in the wake of many other games and offers us a very interesting mechanics. We speak, of course, of the so-called Battle Pass .
In this section of our guide we are going to dedicate a few lines to explain the operation of the Battle Pass , we will resolve any doubts, we will tell you how much it costs , what rewards it offers as well as if it is profitable to acquire it and much more.
What is the Battle Pass?
The Battle Pass is a special element that, as a general rule in all the games in which it is present, gradually adds challenges so that players have the opportunity to complete them in their games. In this way, levels will be raised and rewards of all kinds will be unlocked.
In Apex Legends it works like this, and it changes with each new season that reaches the title (each season usually lasts about 3 months approximately). It features 100 levels in total and there is both a free battle pass and a premium pass. Let's see their differences.
What does the free Battle Pass offer?
The free Battle Pass is active for all players from the moment a new season begins. Unlike the premium pass, it does not have prizes in each new level until reaching 100, but there are usually fewer rewards distributed between the levels and these are of less value.
Typically on a free season pass there are usually the following rewards spread out to around level 50 of the season.
- Special Aspect of Legend .
- Five Apex Packs (number may vary).
- Season statistics records (wins, deaths, etc.).
- Charging screen.
What are the rewards of the Premium Battle Pass?
The Premium Battle Pass, as you can imagine, is exclusively for users who decide to buy it with real money. It can be purchased from the corresponding menu within the game and there are two different ways to acquire it:
- In exchange for 950 Apex coins: which is equivalent to approximately € 9.95 (you start from level 1 of the season).
- In exchange for 2,800 Apex coins: which is equivalent to about € 28 approx (you start from season level 25).
The characteristic of this pass is that it offers up to more than 100 objects during the season, with 100 levels to complete and rewards in each one of them. Of course, Premium Pass players also earn free pass rewards as they advance through the season level.
Among the objects of each season you can get a little of everything:
- Skins for characters.
- Skins for weapons.
- Dialogue lines.
- Legend Tokens .
- Manufacturing materials.
- Apex Coins.
- Apex Pack (including legendary category).
- Amulets.
- Loading screens.
Is it advisable to buy the Premium Battle Pass?
This is a question that you may be asking yourself. Of course, it is a decision you must make for yourself . What we tell you about it is that if you are going to spend many hours playing , and you get bitten by getting all the rewards, the skins and others, then the best long-term option is to buy the standard Premium Pass , the 950 coins (the option of 2,8000 coins is silly because the levels you will already raise them playing).
We say this because without the Premium Pass you can get a few Apex Packs, yes, but the rate at which you accumulate Manufacturing Metals is very slow , for example, while with the pass you can get many more.
- Also keep in mind: that you will get Apex coins (the only way to get them "free"). What is essential to be able to buy the next season pass if you accumulate enough. Something that will save you money in the future.
Obviously, if you only want to play and have a good time, and you don't care about the cosmetic elements and all that, then don't buy the pass .
How do daily and weekly challenges work?
Throughout the seasons, daily and weekly challenges come to light , which are small objectives that can be met during our games to obtain experience points and extra points that will raise the pass levels faster.
These challenges are available to all players , both the Free Pass and those with the Premium Pass. Once active, goals can be met at any time until the end of the season. The tasks are usually simple and varied, such as :
- Eliminate X enemies with a legend.
- Land X times in an area of the map.
- Get headshots with a legend.
- Accumulate X number of damages with a legend.
- Play games with a legend.
Frequent doubts of the Battle Pass
There are some classic doubts regarding the Battle Pass, here we leave you the answers that can clarify the ideas about how the pass works in Apex Legends:
What happens if you buy the Battle Pass later in the season?
One of the things you'll appreciate most about the Apex Legends Battle Pass is that no matter when you buy it, anytime, you will unlock all the rewards for your season level (as it goes up even if you haven't purchased the Premium Pass). In other words, if you have reached the level 50 of the season and then buy the Premium Pass, you will receive all the rewards up to level 50 at once.
Are the rewards kept at the end of the season?
Yes of course . When the season ends, you will keep everything you have achieved playing forever.
Can Pass rewards be earned after the season ends?
No, each season's rewards are exclusive to that season . Therefore, Season 1 items and rewards, for example, can only be earned during the course of the season and never again.
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