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APEX Legends: The BEST tips and tricks for winning games

We tell you the best strategies, techniques, tips and tricks to follow to be the winner of APEX Legends battles and not die continuously.

Once you understand how the basic mechanics of Apex Legends work , it's time to get a little deeper into everything the game has to offer .

One of the basic things to know when playing better and having more opportunities to win your games is to know all the weapons that are available to you, as well as the objects and accessories that will help you have advantages in the field of battle and list of characters to master their skills.
We have already seen this in our sections of the guide intended for this, you can visit them if you have any doubts. When you're ready we can move on to the next point.

Play until you know the map

Captain Obvious stars in the first of our tips. As good as your general skills in shooters are, if you don't find places where you feel comfortable in each of the zones , you're screwed ... While generally speaking you already know that high spots can give you an advantage in ambushing, they are also the most obvious places where someone looks when entering or arriving at a new place, looking for campers attentive to clueless players.
It is important that you know the available maps from the inside, as if they were your own home. To date Apex Legends has awarded two different maps to its players:
  • Canyon of the Kings (original map, currently only available in certain events).
  • End of the World (map added in season 3 ).
We have guides for both of them in which we explain in depth how to get the most out of their most inhospitable places and corners. They will come in handy for your adventures.

Land in a good spot and get to the point

If you've played other Battle Royale, you know perfectly well that landing in the wrong place is dying , whether you don't get far enough away from the enemy or if you stand in a lootless place Unlike other games, Apex Legends has fixed points where the loot is better . This implies that you must always keep in mind what is the best area to land within your reach.
Take a look at our guide first to learn how to fall better and faster in the game. Then you can continue to browse the maps , which we have already mentioned before; If you want a quick summary of the best locations, here you have it.
  • For Cañón de los Reyes it would be the following (in green the worst areas, in blue the areas of medium quality and in red the best areas):

  • For the End of the World map, the best locations would be these (medium quality loot areas in orange, and higher loot areas in purple):
Once you land, don't try to grab a little bit of everything when it comes to gear . Focus first on these aspects:
  • The weapon: get one right away, that's the first thing (the best weapons may not be good for you and you can cope better with something standard).
  • Armor : pretty obvious. Always the best possible armor and helmet at your fingertips (if they can be of legendary rank , better than better).
  • Ammunition for your weapon: Please note that the ability to carry ammunition is also limited, do not load with bullets that you cannot use.
  • Ultimate Accelerator: This item can give your character's ultimate ability recharge a nice boost. It may seem silly, but having it available as soon as possible could save your life or improve the course of your departure, so if you find one, use it.
  • Pay attention to the ring: open the map and look at the safe area, see if you are inside or outside it, and if so, how much you would have to move. The best thing is that you are in the safe zone from the beginning.
  • Do not leave your colleagues: it goes without saying, but you will not get very far by yourself (unless you are a real pro). You and your companions need to cover each other's backs, it is never good to get too far apart.

Master every available character

Although you will logically have your favorite characters , it is important that you try to play as many as you can until you master their unique and special abilities (as well as knowing their hitboxes ). Why? Well, because that will eventually make you a better player.
  • We want to take into account the possibility that sometimes you cannot play with the legend that you would like.
  • It is more than clear that if you dominate all the characters you will know what their strengths and weaknesses are and you will take advantage of this both to play with them and against them, something very important.
  • Mastering each character will allow you to coordinate with them when playing with group friends and get the most out of each one.
  • You will learn to carry out a large number of strategies while playing as a team (something vital for how Apex Legends is designed).
  • For example, if you play with Gibraltar, Wattson and Caustic, you will have a great defensive team. If you play with Bangalore, Octane and Wraith, you will have formed an attack squad that is withering in good hands.
Variety is the key, don't you think? We also invite you to take a look at the recommendations that we have prepared on which we create the best characters for each situation or type, including which is the best for newbies .

Learn how to play with Bloodhound and Pathfinder

If for whatever reason you are not interested in our previous advice, we strongly recommend that you heed this one. All the legends may be a lot for you, but already put, pay attention to Bloodhound and Pathfinder . They are two characters that are quite different from the others and in the long run in good hands can be one of the best Apex Legends. 
In the case of Bloodhound, the key lies in his passive and tactical skills , which make it incredibly easy to always be behind the enemy.
  • Look closely at the icons that are shown to you by the places, you will be able to know if an enemy has recently opened a door, if he has jumped a fence, if he is bleeding to death ...
  • It does not mean that you are not going to face somebody sometimes, but you will understand what we mean by a few games.
  • If you hear noises nearby, feel free to use the scanner sweep to locate and mark your enemies, even through walls and their traps too. In addition, your colleagues will also see them.
  • The even stronger point is the final one: every time you use it, someone will end up dead , because thanks to it you will be able to locate immediately if any enemy is nearby (in addition to moving faster).

Master Pathfinder

Pathfinder, meanwhile, is a character for players with more experience and who have good reflexes. Bangalore would be the obvious choice for someone first-time, even Wraith or Mirage are good offensive choices for the older ones, but the Pathfinder hook gives you immense and unique possibilities that no one else offers.
  • As a supporting character , due to the issue of your zip line and being able to check where the next area closes the ring, it can be quite useful.
  • Now, an especially aggressive player who practices enough will shoot you as he slides, throws his hook, goes over a building, kills your partner, and when he lands, he will turn around and charge the doctor who revives you for the back.
  • It can be a killing machine, never better said ... Everything is a matter of mastering your hook and knowing the map well, to take advantage of the unevenness and structures.
In both cases it takes some practice to get the whole game out of the skills, but with most of the other characters, you have more classic archetypes and you know them well. Things like the soldier, the guy with the shield, the doctor ... That's why it's a good idea that if you're going to focus on a couple of characters (or you're going to spend many hours), do it with these two.

Revive your fallen companions

One more tip that we do not want to leave in the pipeline is the wonderful opportunity that Apex Legends provides with players killed in combat. It could all be summed up in the motto of "leave no one behind". And is that Apex has a very useful player resuscitation mechanics . If your friends fall in combat, try to hurry up and retrieve their flags from their boxes. You won't have many seconds to do it.
  • Once you have the flag, it can take as long as you want to go to a Spawn Beacon .
  • You will see the beacons marked on the map with a green icon.
  • Each beacon has a unique use per game , so if the other players use them all, or you can't get to them anymore because the ring has been closed too much, you will have lost the opportunity to bring your fallen friends back.
  • If instead you can use a respawn beacon, your friends will return to the battlefield quickly (albeit making quite a noise).
  • If you are the reanimated, try to run fast towards some area with loot, or return if you can to your box to collect your equipment.
It is important that you keep this mechanic in mind because Apex Legends relies heavily on teamwork and the truth is that collaborating closely with other players is very noticeable. In fact, it is highly recommended to know how the communication Pings system works to embroider the work with your platoon.

Reduce the lag and ping of your games

There is a little trick that not many players know about, but it can improve your chances of winning games. Connection stability is very important in online games, so you want to have the best possible.
  • Take advantage of loot loot
One last quick tip before leaving for the arena. Keep in mind that in Apex Legends games there are lots of loot loot scattered around the areas (which would be the drops in Fortnite, for example). Each season its presentation tends to vary, but the essence is the same; you can take advantage of them to collect good quality loot with which to play better.


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