We tell you how the Apex Legends Battle Pass works, what rewards it brings and whether it is worth spending money on or not. Apex Legends follows in the wake of many other games and offers us a very interesting mechanics. We speak, of course, of the so-called Battle Pass . In this section of our guide we are going to dedicate a few lines to explain the operation of the Battle Pass , we will resolve any doubts, we will tell you how much it costs , what rewards it offers as well as if it is profitable to acquire it and much more. What is the Battle Pass? The Battle Pass is a special element that, as a general rule in all the games in which it is present, gradually adds challenges so that players have the opportunity to complete them in their games. In this way, levels will be raised and rewards of all kinds will be unlocked. In Apex Legends it works like this, and it changes with each new sea...